PITTIWAY | Betweeners in Pitti Uomo 103
2023年1月10日-13日,为期四天的第103届 Pitti Uomo 男装展,在佛罗伦萨展览中心(Fortezza da Basso)盛大举办。共计789个品牌参展,其中40%是意大利本土以外的国际品牌。
Between Conscious携La Prairie开启一场【可持续|通往意识觉醒的旅程】
The educational program revolved around biodiversity and climate action, circular economy, inclusive development, support for young-female artists, and passing-on culture.
专家访谈|Marco: 可持续发展作为一项计划
Marco Guazzoni is Sustainability DIrector at Vibram. As he had to build his role in a multinational company, the most important lesson he had to learn early was how necessary is to have a holistic approach.
It’s a wrap! Between checked the best looks, the main trends and the most interesting ideas popping out in Paris, Milan, and Shanghai! Always looking for some consciousness…
衬衫 ——“雅戈尔全新诠释”
Youngor's show of innovative concept shirts, "Real in a new way", were staged in Hengshan Road. It was also the debut of Youngor at Shanghai Fashion Week
探索 Can U 新空间
Nine sustainability issues, twelve spaces with different themes for 52 pieces of work by more than 30 artists and designers to provide a conscious vision for the fashion industry.
Bsamply is an innovative b2b platform born to connect fashion brands with raw material suppliers from across the globe, while at the same time, providing a more efficient and sustainable solution to the inefficiencies of the traditionally offline processes found within the fashion industry.
Reading the sentiment of young generations today might be the best investment for your brand tomorrow
BETWEENER in 盛泽时尚周
对于BETWEEN ,本次时装周期间的交流,看到更多以强大的供应链为主导的企业都在向国际化转型,无论是学习海外的先进技术来优化原本已经非常强大的工艺及供应链,还是从供应链端到品牌端的转型,这是产业的发展与进步,期待BETWEEN 陪伴他们共同成长;对于下一次的时尚之旅,我们已经迫不及待它的到来:我们已经准备好了!希望可以再次与你分享我们在世界各地顶级时装盛会上的感受以及专业评价。
专家访谈|Loreto: 创新技术大使
Blueprint, prototyping, production and retail. Innovation can positively affect each and every stage of the Industry. You might just need to pass by Loreto Di Rienzo’s D-House.
Learning both from local artisans and big brands’ professionals to embed environmental consciousness in her work: for Sheetal curiosity is the key
For some brands, it is just a matter of marketing, for others it is a real philosophy that opposes fast fashion, trying to pursue a series of practices that consider the impact on the environment.
Rossella Dal Poz with her creativity and hands-on experience makes reuse the most fashionable trend.
元宇宙 · 开启时尚新形态
Does the metaverse deserve the hype? Will it change the way we interact online? This is yet to be seen, of course, but it does not need to be an epochal revolution for us to assess its potential.